Conversion and remodel of a single family home into a commercial occupancy for counseling services.

Abernethy Counseling Offices

Abernethy Remodel and Conversion

The street facing elevation (top right) shows the existing condition of the single family house. The house was dilapidated and required new exterior siding and windows.

As part of the conversion process, the project went through site development review. Though not required, parking spaces were provided including one accessible parking space complete with a ramp to the main level of the structure.

The planned remodel of the street facing elevation (bottom right) shows the addition of a second floor, new windows, and siding as well as a suggested color scheme.

The plans to the left show the existing layout of the single family house, and the plans to the right show the revised layout for new office spaces. The staircase was relocated to the rear of the house in order to add a proper second floor addition. The unfinished basement was also converted to offices with additional storage space.