Meet Will Uebelacker, NCARB

Will grew up in Boise, Idaho and has been a designer as far back as he can remember. Will has always been fascinated with exploring, manipulating, inventing, and building. As a young boy, his favorite medium was Legos as there were no boundaries with the bucketful of hand-me-down spare parts that he and his two older brothers had accumulated over the years.

Hours were spent designing restaurants, houses, towers, cities, and even a three foot long Lego cruise ship (complete with horse stables, sleeping quarters, and of course more restaurants). This early penchant for design and creativity helped form the foundation for a career in architecture.

Educational Experience:

Bachelor’s Degree of Architecture
Montana State University
Portland State University

Master’s Degree of Architecture
Portland State University

Experience In:

Single & Multifamily
Mixed Use
Tenant Improvements
Commercial Office Space

Professional Membership:

The American Institute of Architects, AIA
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, NCARB